Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Thursday, July 10, 1958
American Chess Funding for Olympic Team Representation
McCormick is a member of the USCF committee that is trying to raise sufficient funds to send a representative team to the Chess Olympics, a cause in which every American chess player should be interested.
For the first time since the Russians have come to dominate international chess, here is an event in which we have an excellent chance to defeat them if we can send our best team to Europe in September. In the Olympics, a team consists of six players, two of whom are reserves, and a match consists of four boards.
USCF President Jerry Spann has pointed out in Chess Life that with players like Reshevsky, Fischer, Lombardy, Evans et al available for this competition—if their trip can be financed—we have nothing to fear against even the best the Soviet Union can muster. It would be a great feather in our cap, and a great boost for chess in this country, if we could defeat the Russians in this event.
Every American chess enthusiast should want to contribute his bit toward that end. Those in this area can do it by playing McCormick next Tuesday night, or giving him whatever donation they can afford for the fund the USCF and the American Chess Foundation now are raising for financing the American Olympics team.