Deseret News and Salt Lake Telegram Salt Lake City, Utah Thursday, September 25, 1958
U.S. Team Sails Sunday To Vie In Global Match
Honors — Bobby Fischer, 15-year-old United States chess champion, was feted at a reception at the Marshall Chess Club in New York City on his return a week ago from the interzonal tournament in Portoroz, Yugoslavia.
While waiting to be formally presented to the large audience of fans, the new international grandmaster from Brooklyn engaged in a number of five-second games. He defeated, ho hum, all his rivals as usual.
Louis J. Wolff, a director of the club, recounted the amazing accomplishments of Bobby. At the conclusion of his address, he presented Bobby a solid gold watch.
Mrs. Regina Fischer, Bobby's mother, shared in the honors.
James T. Sherwin, the other American who played at Portoroz, was also applauded.
Bobby is now spending much time, the New York Times reports, with Norman Monath, “a philosophical chap who is an editor at Simon & Shuster who is shepherding Bobby through a book, “Bobby Fischer's Chess.” He has found that playing chess is the best way to communicate with Bobby. But this is not uncomplicated. While Bobby answers telephone calls, hauls out souvenirs, and greets the cat, he keeps up his play and grudgingly talks. Glancing at Mr. Monath's side of the chess board, Bobby says, “I think you have an inferior position.”