New York Times, New York, New York, Wednesday, January 01, 1958
Reshevsky Held To Draw In Chess
Grand Master Shares Point With Fischer, Leader in U.S. Title Tourney
Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, the national open champion, yesterday held Samuel Reshevsky, international grand master, to a draw in their adjourned game from the third round of the United States championship for the Lessing J. Rosenwald Trophy at the Manhattan Chess Club.
Fifty-seven moves were recorded. Until the last Reshevsky tried to turn to account what he deemed to be a slight advantage. However, Fischer, as skillful in end-game play as in mid-game strategy, playing with remarkable confidence. It was the 14-year-old's third draw in the tournament, the others having been with Herbert Seidman in the second round and Hans Berliner in the sixth.
Reshevsky had drawn only once, with Sidney Bernstein in the seventh round. The respective places of the leaders in the standing remained unchanged, Fischer topping the list with 7½—1½ and Reshevsky coming next with 6—1.
Tonight Reshevsky will play his postponed first-round game with Atilio Di Camillo of Philadelphia. The grand master also has pending a ninth-round encounter with Hans Berliner of Washington.