The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Sunday, November 09, 1958
Soviets fail to overwhelm all competition
For the first time in years the Soviet contingent failed to overwhelm all opposition. True, they did well in gaining two places in the first six; but they were far from being so absolutely powerful as they had been in the other Interzone Tournaments. The wholesome result is that when next year's Candidates Tournament is played there will be an even number — four Soviet players, Smyslov, Keres, Tal and Petrosian, and four from the rest of the world, Gligoric, Benko, Fischer and Olafsson.
Strangely enough, quite a number of the other young players had the habit of running very short of time. Olafsson was particularly inclined to do so, while Bobby Fischer seems to be following in Reshevsky's footsteps in this field as in others.