San Antonio Express, San Antonio, Texas, Sunday, October 19, 1958
Championship Chess: Fischer Versus Dallas, Texas' Fred Tears
From the same tournament, another Bobby Fischer game. Again he is pitted against a Texan, Fred Tears from Dallas, who holds him to a draw. White elects to play the closed variation of the Sicilian which gives Black little trouble.
Chess games invariably reach the stage where continued vacillation brings on disaster. Here, both players enter on definite plans of action when action is called for. White works in the center. Black counters and gets aggressive on the Queen-side. White liquidates the center. Black counters and gets aggressive on the Queen-side. White liquidates the center tension and trades pieces and makes use of a classic drawing tactic.
Claude Fred Tears vs Robert James Fischer
57th US Open (1956), Oklahoma City, OK USA, rd 3, Jul-18
Sicilian Defense: Closed Variation (B25) 1/2-1/2
(a) Grabbing a part of the center-more important at this point than listless development. Black's piece-formation is standard in this line. The question of where to deploy the Queen Bishop and Queen is delayed until White has clarified his intentions.
(b) Annexing territory on the Queen's wing.
(c) The end result of this combination which gives Black two Bishops vs. two Knights in return for an advanced passed pawn favors Black slightly, but only temporarily. White uses this pawn as an anchor for his Knight which he posts at King 6.
(d) The annoying Knight must be shelved and Black picks up a pawn. White has deliberately allowed this, knowing that the opposite colored bishops will draw the game.