Courier-Post, Camden, New Jersey, Thursday, April 17, 1958
Rome (UP)—A California artist today promised the 15-year-old chess champion a set of chessmen out of this world.
“Arthur Elliot, Rome portrait painter from Hollywood, said he received a letter from champion Bobby Fischer of 560 Lincoln pl., Brooklyn, N.Y., expressing interest in a set of space-age chess pieces Elliot designed.
“Elliot's chessmen are graceful, impressionistic representations of sputniks, space stations and missiles replacing queens, knights, pawns and other pieces on the chess board.
“I would very much like to have one of your space chess sets,' Bobby wrote Elliot, 'as a matter of fact, it actually does look rather “spacy.”'”
“The American artist said he would send a set to Bobby, whose only other hobby is science fiction.”
Space Age Chess Set by Arthur Elliot