Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, Sunday, June 08, 1958
Bobby Fischer to Russia
Bobby Fischer, the young United States Chess Champion, has received a gift of two round-trip airplane tickets to Russia, and will leave soon, and may play some of the Russian masters in June and July. This may include a match with Ernest Kim, a 5 year old chess prodigy. Later, from Aug. 5 to Sept. 15, he will take part in the interzonal tournament at Portoroz, Yugoslavia.
The other players entered in this tournament are Tahl, Petrosian, Bronstein and Averbach from Russia; Panno, Sanguinetti and Rossetto from Argentina; Fischer and Reshevsky from the United States; Pachman and Filip from Czechoslovakia; Benko and Szabo from Hungary; Matanovic and Gligoric from Yugoslavia; Olaffson of Iceland; Neikirch of Bulgaria; Vaitonis of Canada; Cardosa of the Philippines; and Larsen or Donner will represent the Netherlands.
Bobby Fischer's move as played against Sherwin in the last U.S. championship tournament…