Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Saturday, August 30, 1958
American High School Boy Chess Tourney Sensation
The median has been reached in the International Chess Tournament at Portoroz, Yugoslavia. Of the 21 entrants, the eight leaders are separated by two points.
On the plus side, Petrosian of Russia has 7½; Micheal Tal, 7; Auerbach, 6; Benko, 6. Robert Fischer, International Master, American Champion and Brooklyn High School sophomore has 5½ points out of nine games played. He is closely followed by Dr. Matanovic, Gligoric, Panno, Bronstein and Pachmann.
Szabo, Larsen, and Sanguinetti still have outside chances.
THE OTHER AMERICAN entrant, James Sherwin, is in nineteenth place with a three score.
Russian papers proclaim Fischer the sensation of the tourney. In early 1963, he will still be a teen-ager. If he loses most of his remaining games, his performance can be classed at not less than phenomenal.