The Journal Herald Dayton, Ohio Monday, April 07, 1958
A Game For Youth, Too
Once upon a time it was considered dignified procedure to get out the chessboard and spend a long winter's evening before an open fire. That was when American life was paced in a more leisurely fashion. Then for a time chess, although it commanded adherents, was not much in evidence.
But now an even greater attention is being accorded the ancient game of obscure origin.
Nor is it attracting the attention of the elderly alone as a game to be indulged in when the taste for other amusements has palled. Indeed, it is said that a chess master is, as a rule, at his best between the ages of 35 and 45.
Smyslov and Botvinnik, contenders for the world title, are said to be, respectively, 37 and 46 years old.
Youth is no handicap. Tal, Russia's champion, is 21 years of age while Bobby Fischer, United States champion, is 14!